Biotope Ventures gears up for new fund to propel innovation in agrifood and sustainable materials

This second fund will build on the success of the pilot fund with the goal of raising €9 million and growing the biotope portfolio with 30 additional startups over the next six years.

As biotope launches its sixth call this fall, the first Biotope Ventures fund will be fully committed. The preparation of an exciting new chapter is well underway: the launch of Biotope Ventures Fund II, aimed at doubling the impact and expanding biotope’s portfolio of innovative startups in the agrifood and sustainable materials sectors. This second fund will build on the success of the pilot fund, which supports 16 promising startups, with the goal of raising €9 million and growing the portfolio to 30 additional startups over the next six years.

Building on the success of Fund I

The first fund served as a pilot for Biotope Ventures, establishing a lean structure with close-knit partnerships and a small pool of dedicated investors. According to Peter Cauwels, Biotope Ventures Fund Manager, the initial fund was a proof of concept that shows this model does indeed work effectively. “It was a lean structure, with seven investors and close, direct partnerships. Now, seeing the success and the incredible support from our investors, we’re ready to scale up.”

The strong performance of Fund I is largely thanks to the committed group of “champion investors” who have actively promoted biotope, bringing new connections and opportunities into the fold. “We’ve had so much support from our investors, who not only believe in what we’re doing but also advocate for us,” said Cauwels. “Their contributions have been invaluable, and their feedback overwhelmingly positive.”

Scaling up for greater impact

With Fund II, biotope is setting ambitious goals. The fund will be double the size of the first, and will bring in more partners, including international investors. This expanded structure will allow biotope to continue fostering its existing relationships while opening the door to new opportunities with investors across the border.

“Our aim is to attract at least two international investors of the same high quality as our current partners,” Cauwels noted. “We don’t see this as a challenge, really, but as an opportunity to broaden our network and make our foundation even stronger. While most of our investment will still come from Belgium and Flanders, the international element is crucial for expanding our influence and reach.”

The additional funding should allow biotope to support 30 additional portfolio companies over the next six years, all carefully scouted and trained through its biannual basecamp.

“Our aim is to attract at least two international investors of the same high quality as our current partners. While most of our investment will still come from Belgium and Flanders, the international element is crucial for expanding our influence and reach.”

Peter Cauwels

A broader scope and timeline

Biotope Ventures is planning its first close in Q1 2025, targeting half of the €9 million. The remaining funds will be secured by a final close within the year, ensuring that biotope is well-positioned to move forward with its next cohorts of startups. The final close will allow more time to onboard a carefully selected group of investors, prioritizing quality partnerships that align with the team’s long-term vision.

“We’re taking a phased approach,” Cauwels explained. “The first close will focus on existing relationships and close partners, while the final close will give us the time we need to attract key international players.”

While Fund I primarily focused on innovations in the agrifood sector, Fund II will broaden its scope to include startups working on sustainable materials. This reflects biotope’s commitment to support the growing need for new sustainable solutions and innovations across multiple industries.

With champions among its investors and a clear strategy for growth, Fund II promises to be a major driver of early-stage biotech success in the years to come.

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Probitat interview

Carme and Atte - Probitat interview - Biotope Incubator

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