
N-Fix is enabling regenerative agriculture, by converting residual biomass into microbial biofertilizers and biocontrols.

Biofertilizers, biostimulants and biocontrols are technically viable alternatives to chemical fertilizers and pesticides and benefit crop quality and yield. However, their use remains limited (especially for row crops) because of high manufacturing costs and low product quality (contamination, shelf-life, and microbial resilience).

By utilizing agricultural residues as a resource and leveraging the power of beneficial microorganisms, N-Fix’s manufacturing platform promotes sustainable farming practices, enhances soil health, and contributes to a more sustainable and regenerative agricultural industry.

In addition to agricultural applications, our technology can be used to sustainably produce microorganisms for any non-food application such as bioremediation.

A significant milestone attained this year was the honor of being chosen for the EIC Accelerator: 2023 Challenge on “Novel Technologies for Resilient Agriculture.”

On our technology

  • Works with nearly any type of residual biomass
  • Works with a broad variety of strains (including bacteria and fungi)
  • Microbial products with improved shelf life and resilience in the environment

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