Startup biotope incubator program – spring

Congratulations to the new round of startup teams selected to participate in the biotope incubator program: AmphiStar, Elogium, Probitat, and B'ZEOS! From plastics made of seaweed to microbial solutions for food, feed, and surfactants – over the following year, we'll be helping these teams take their biotech innovations to the next level. We're supporting them with pre-seed funding, by developing their business plan and proof-of-concept, and tapping into our great network of mentors and partners, all so they can turn their innovative ideas into sustainable solutions that'll really change the world. We're looking forward to the journey ahead!
Discover more about the new participants in the biotope incubator program


Making biosurfactants mainstream

AmphiStar offers an innovative portfolio of locally sourced biosurfactants to companies seeking to develop genuinely sustainable, performant & affordable products.

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Probiotic solutions for broiler producers

Elogium is developing probiotic animal feed additives to improve food safety, farming sustainability and profitability.

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A food startup based on plant-based fermentation

Probitat aims to develop fermented ingredients using their proprietary bacteria and sell or license them to the food industry in order to offer food solutions that are healthier, tastier and more sustainable to the consumer.

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Unlocking the power of seaweed to replace plastic

Join the seaweed revolution with B'ZEOS: Our specialized knowledge in seaweed-based packaging solutions empowers businesses to make eco-conscious choices without sacrificing performance or quality.

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Startup biotope incubator program

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Probitat interview

Carme and Atte - Probitat interview - Biotope Incubator

Think you've got what it takes?

  • Take part in our program to rapidly advance your technology
  • Grow the confidence of you and your team
  • Turn your startup into an investment-ready business
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